A farmer heralded by his small community as the town’s savior has a dark secret to conceal – his own daughter who he keeps locked away in a shed that is a wanted, ruthless, killing machine. But when an aggressive land developer begins making the rounds in town trying to get residents to sell their property so his boss can pay off a personal debt, secrets will be exposed and the town will never be the same again.
Genre: Drama, Serialized
Length: 1 hour
Page Count: 59
Length: 1 hour
Page Count: 59
2017 Screencraft Pilot Launch Semifinalist
2018 Atlanta Film Festival Quarterfinalist
2018 Screencraft Pilot Launch Quarterfinalist
2017 Screencraft Pilot Launch Semifinalist
2018 Atlanta Film Festival Quarterfinalist
2018 Screencraft Pilot Launch Quarterfinalist
An earnest, full-hearted girl with the aid of a guild mercenary and an old, abandoned robot possessing the mystical abilities of a long forgotten race embark on a journey to help magic wielding shamans escape the persecution of a kingdom that fears them in the dying days of magic.
Genre: Animated Action-Adventure, Serialized
Length: 30 mins.
Page Count 35
Coverfly Top 20 Television (Half-hour) Animated projects for the month of 6/2022
Working her dream job, a headstrong flight attendant strives for a good work-life balance but her personal life always seems to get left behind when her hectic work schedule keeps her 30,000 feet in the air.
Genre: Drama, Serialized
Length: 1 hour
Page Count: 69
Length: 1 hour
Page Count: 69
2018 Screencraft Pilot Launch Quarterfinalist
2018 Screencraft Pilot Launch Quarterfinalist
A family suffering the loss of a loved one to war tries to become whole again after living a life of dysfunction until, to the parent's dismay, their youngest son follows in his brother's footsteps — the very same steps that cost his older brother his life.
Genre: Drama, Full Length Movie
Length: About 2 hours
Page Count: 125
Length: About 2 hours
Page Count: 125
A visual novel created and written by myself. It takes place in a "pre-cyberpunk", dystopian world and follows three friends as they are uncovering the secret to human evolution in this new world filled with assassins, vigilantes, and a whole lot more.
This is being developed in Unreal Engine 5 with the use of Blueprints and will have a demo up in the future.
A game script set in a world created by myself. It follows Bel Balarosa, a seasoned witch on a mission to find and take out a warlock the that has been hunting other witches in a quest to save himself from a terminal disease.
This project will showcase my scripting skills, ability to do branching dialog, and narrative design. A sample of the script as well as a sample of the associated branching dialog can be download below.